We thus qualified for embarkation leave and on its expiry after Christmas 1949 we had to report to the Royal Artillery Depot Woolwich, the ancient home of the Royal Regiment of Artillery. So a new phase of our army careers would begin.
Larkhill – Reflections on my Time
I have to add the treatment we received at Larkhill was, considering we were in the Army, nothing to complain about. In fact we were treated as intelligent individuals by both our officers and NCOs. Our training as soldiers was good and as surveyors excellent. All in all and upon reflection it is apparent I quite enjoyed my time there. As I have already remarked I was fitter than I had ever been before and had been intellectually challenged. My comrades too had proved to be a good set of fellows.
- 98 Squad, West Down Ranges, Salisbury Plain, October 1949
- 98 Squad, 192 Survey Training Battery RA, Larkhill 1949
Thanks for your National Service Memoirs. They bring back so many memories of the past that I feel compelled to comment on the contents, which are excellent!
The reason for this is that I happen to have been to the same places at the same time as yourself. The only difference is probably that I did Sound Ranging instead of one of the other choices.
Otherwise,the dates certainly match. Notwithstanding my 85 year old memory I can still remember that my first posting, with other newly qualified Surveyors, was Luneburg, Germany where we specialised in Sound Ranging. From Luneburg a group of us were posted to Woolwich Depot prior to the Hong Kong posting,(Lo Wu then Stanley Barracks). This was followed by transport to Korea via Japan with our Survey, Sound Ranging, Radar and other equipment. To begin with we dug trenches and had tent tops above, but for obvious reasons these were later removed and replaced by roof timbers from destroyed dwellings.
I’m given to understand that together with divisional artillery and air strikes we did a good job!
Incidentally the Wally Langford you mention was one of my friends.
James Stephen Gorman ( ex Gunner/Surveyor RA )
Names are now also somewhat of a problem but I still remember Wally Langford who I was friendly with.