Enter the Yanks
On 28th January 1953, the US 2nd Infantry (Indianhead) Division assumed the sector of Line Jamestown the official title for the frontline. As their artillery was fully engaged supporting units elsewhere along the front, all Royal Artillery units remained, becoming the first time in its history to directly support an American unit.
During their time with us, there appeared to be a higher incidence of enemy artillery activity with its subsequent increase in casualties. US personnel had written orders to wear tin hats at all times when in a forward location. The Brits did not have a similar (official) order, so tended to wear our jungle hats or smartened up with our blue berets and (unpolished) brass cap badge. Mind you, our peculiar shaped tin hat was always kept handy and used immediately we received any “incoming mail”!
We “limeys” got on very well with our American colleagues and enjoyed having ice cream at the front! The American food was very good, and issues from the PX (roughly the equivalent to our NAAFI) were free and generous.
- Indianhead Soldier
- USA 2nd (Indianhead) Infantry Division
I have since learnt that both the pilot and observer parachuted safely to ground, unfortunately behind the Chinese lines and were taken prisoner.